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Home » Photo Gallery » Eyeglass Recycling Trips to Roanoke, VA » Eyeglass Recycling Trips to Roanoke, VA
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Lion Bill checking glasses
Eye Glass Recycling Trip to Roanoke
Eye Glass Recycling Trip to Roanoke
DG Chuck, Lions Bobby, Bob and Jim
DG Chuck and Lions Sharron and Bill
I lost mycontact in the mess
Lion Bill checking glasses
Eye Glass Recycling Trip to Roanoke
Eye Glass Recycling Trip to Roanoke
DG Chuck, Lions Bobby, Bob and Jim
DG Chuck and Lions Sharron and Bill
I lost mycontact in the mess
Lion Bill checking glasses
Eye Glass Recycling Trip to Roanoke
Eye Glass Recycling Trip to Roanoke
DG Chuck, Lions Bobby, Bob and Jim
DG Chuck and Lions Sharron and Bill
I lost mycontact in the mess