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Home » Photo Gallery » Tree Planting at the Wellness Center - January 6, 2012 » Tree Planting at the Wellness Center - January 6, 2012
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KL Arnold and Lion Mario keep the planting lines straight
Lion Doris is wondering if we will have enough trees
Lions Lou-Ludovico and Harmon Towne-plant while Lion Doris Catani distributes Loblolly seedlings
The green end-goes up and the brown end goes down
Were almost done-just two left to go
Loblolly seedling in its new home
DG Chuck and Pres Arnold Tew with tree seedlings
A planting we will go
King Lion Arnold Tew & Lion Harmon Towne
KL Arnold and Lion Mario keep the planting lines straight
Lion Doris is wondering if we will have enough trees
Lions Lou-Ludovico and Harmon Towne-plant while Lion Doris Catani distributes Loblolly seedlings
The green end-goes up and the brown end goes down
Were almost done-just two left to go
Loblolly seedling in its new home
DG Chuck and Pres Arnold Tew with tree seedlings
A planting we will go
King Lion Arnold Tew & Lion Harmon Towne
KL Arnold and Lion Mario keep the planting lines straight
Lion Doris is wondering if we will have enough trees
Lions Lou-Ludovico and Harmon Towne-plant while Lion Doris Catani distributes Loblolly seedlings