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Lion Ron Lockhart receives the Rookie Lion of the Year award
Lion John Diehm receives the Melvin Jones Award
Lion John Diehm receives the Melvin Jones Award
Lion President Curt Isakson passes the gavel to incoming Lion President John Diehm
Lion Dick Kolasheski receives the Lions District 12-N Lion of the Decade award from
Lion Ron Lockhart receives the Rookie Lion of the Year award
Lion John Diehm receives the Melvin Jones Award
Lion John Diehm receives the Melvin Jones Award
Lion President Curt Isakson passes the gavel to incoming Lion President John Diehm
Lion Dick Kolasheski receives the Lions District 12-N Lion of the Decade award from
Lion Ron Lockhart receives the Rookie Lion of the Year award
Lion John Diehm receives the Melvin Jones Award
Lion John Diehm receives the Melvin Jones Award
Lion President Curt Isakson passes the gavel to incoming Lion President John Diehm
Lion Dick Kolasheski receives the Lions District 12-N Lion of the Decade award from
Lion Ron Lockhart receives the Rookie Lion of the Year award
Lion John Diehm receives the Melvin Jones Award