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Home » Photo Gallery » Tree Planting at the Wellness Center - January 6, 2012
DG Chuck and Pres Arnold Tew with tree seedlings
DG Chuck and Pres Arnold Tew with tree seedlings
A planting we will go
A planting we will go
King Lion Arnold Tew & Lion Harmon Towne
King Lion Arnold Tew & Lion Harmon Towne
KL Arnold and Lion Mario keep the planting lines straight
KL Arnold and Lion Mario keep the planting lines straight
Lion Doris is wondering if we will have enough trees
Lion Doris is wondering if we will have enough trees
Lions Lou-Ludovico and Harmon Towne-plant while Lion Doris Catani distributes Loblolly seedlings
Lions Lou-Ludovico and Harmon Towne-plant while Lion Doris Catani distributes Loblolly seedlings
The green end-goes up and the brown end goes down
The green end-goes up and the brown end goes down
Were almost done-just two left to go
Were almost done-just two left to go
Loblolly seedling in its new home
Loblolly seedling in its new home